Julian Cisneros

Support & FAQ

Support & FAQ

What are the Licensing Terms?

All details are available on the license terms page.

Is there a time limit on a license?

No. All licenses are in perpetuity.

Are stems available for each song?

Stems are available for most songs. Please contact for more information.

How often are new songs added to the library catalogue?

The library is updated monthly with new music. To access the most recent additions, click on the New Releases collection.

Can I use a licensed song in multiple films?

No. Each license is single use only. Multiple uses of a licensed song is prohibited.

How can I access purchased licenses?

Upon purchase, a confirmation email is sent. In your account, click the “Licenses” tab to view all previous licenses.

My project will be broadcast, which PRO are you affiliated with?

ASCAP, please contact for IPI number.

What is Paid Advertising?

Paid advertising is when the client invests money in the promotion of the completed Film or Ad on the web, broadcast, or social media.

I have created a custom playlist, can I share the playlist with my client or production?

Absolutely! In your account, go to Playlists and click on desired playlist. Under “Share Playlist”, highlight the url link, or click the copy symbol to automatically have url link copied.

Email us for anything else.